Justin Franich

Aaron's Purpose-Driven Recovery: 19 Years Addiction-Free

Written by Admin | Dec 14, 2023 6:00:34 AM

In this episode we are joined by Aaron Daigle as he shares his journey out of addiction and how he has maintained a life of freedom for almost two decades.



 Check out Aaron's Youtube Channel at: Aaron J Daigle 

 Former addicts and their families face significant and complex challenges that demand our urgent attention. Many are still struggling to rebuild their lives. As a result this leads to stress, insecurity, and negative impacts physically, mentally, and spiritually. This increases the chance of relapse which can lead to overdose and ultimately death.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse 85% of individuals relapse within a year of treatment.

Our team is dedicated to reducing this statistic by any means necessary.

Become a Monthly Partner and Help Rebuild Lives After Addiction: https://www.justinfranich.com/buildthefoundation