Whose Voice Really Matters

“You’re showing too much grace.” “You’re not showing enough grace.” “You’re doing too much.” “You’re not doing enough.” “You’re too political.” “You don’t talk about politics enough.” “You’re not focused enough on this.” “You’re too focused on that.” On and on it goes, doesn’t it? Hearing the opinions, criticisms, and endless commentary from others can […]
Why is Doing Nothing So Hard?

That park gear is there for a reason. Yet somewhere along the way, we started believing that it’s noble to “push through” by doing more of the very activities that wore us down.
What my summer gardening obsession has taught me about being a father..

With so many opportunities in front of me, I realize that at the end of the day none of them are as important as my need to be present and engaged with my children.
To Lead Change We Must Lead People

The challenge is that this entire thing isn’t even about trees. It’s about leading people. Every organization is made up of living, breathing people who carry with them emotions, passion, and a vested interest in what you are trying to change