Overcoming Addiction and Other Life Challenges with Faith and Determination

In this episode I sit down with my friend John Selby and he shares his story of rebuilding his life after overcoming addiction. From facing the consequences of arson charges, to dealing with a car accident, and how he was able to rise above each challenge avoid relapse and keep moving forward.

Show Summary

In life, we all face challenges that can seem insurmountable. For some, addiction may be one of those challenges. However, with faith, determination, and support, it is possible to overcome even the most difficult obstacles and build a successful life beyond addiction. In this blog post, we will explore inspiring stories of triumph over addiction, dealing with felony charges and restitution, trusting in God’s provision, staying faithful during seasonal struggles, and the importance of obedience to God’s command in various aspects of life, including parenting. Keep reading to discover how these individuals overcame seemingly impossible obstacles with courage and faith.

Cut Off to be Set Up: A Story of Triumph Over Addiction

Before we dive into the Triumph over challenges of addiction, let us take a moment to remind ourselves that success is a journey; it is not a destination. Each day brings new challenges, battles, and victories. This post is for anyone who has ever struggled to overcome an addiction and is looking for a breakthrough.

We all know that overcoming addiction is not an easy task. It takes a lot of hard work, commitment, and discipline. But it is possible, and many people have managed to do it. However, what most people don’t realize is that the real challenge comes in building a successful life beyond addiction. This is what sets the real champions apart from the rest. It takes a strong will, vision, and faith in something much bigger than oneself.

The story of Elijah and his journey to the karith wilderness near the ravine when he was cut off from the world is a powerful reminder of the importance of relying on God during challenging times. Building life beyond addiction requires taking leaps of faith and trusting in the bigger picture. And sometimes, that means being cut off from everything and everyone that you know to find a new path and a new perspective.

16 years ago, when our Justin and John met at Teen Challenge, they John was struggling with addiction. After a series of challenges and setbacks, including hitting rock bottom, John was involved in a tragic car accident on his way back to his birthday party. His injuries were severe, and he had to be hospitalized. But even in the midst of this darkness, he found strength in his faith and determination to overcome addiction and build a new life for himself.

In conclusion, building life beyond addiction is never an easy task, and it requires a lot of hard work, determination, and faith. But with the right mindset, vision, and support system, anything is possible. Remember to take each day as a new opportunity to grow, learn, and overcome challenges. With patience and perseverance, you too can build a successful life beyond addiction., Consequences and Restitution:

Dealing with Felony Charges

When you’re facing felony charges and restitution, it can feel like the whole world is against you. It’s a challenging time, and it can be tough to know how to move forward. We understand that dealing with legal issues can be an overwhelming experience. That’s why we want to share the story of someone who faced similar challenges and came out on the other side.

The Road to Recovery

Prior to Teen Challenge, this person faced two felony charges and had to pay restitution to 56th Avenue. However, even with the challenges and setbacks, they continued to rely on their faith and stay focused on their sobriety. They stayed cautious and mindful of their choices, knowing where they had been and where addiction could take them. Despite everything, they pushed through and worked hard to pay off the restitution and complete their probation.

Lessons Learned

The takeaway from this story is that everyone makes mistakes and faces consequences. However, it’s possible to overcome these challenges with dedication and hard work. It may not be easy, but with the right mindset and support, it’s possible to come out on the other side of even the most difficult situations. We hope that this story provides inspiration for others who may be facing similar challenges and need encouragement to keep moving forward., Trusting in God’s Provision:

When faced with challenges, it is often easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. Many of us have had moments where we feel like we are hitting rock bottom, wondering if things will ever get better. In these moments, it can be easy to lose faith in ourselves and in others, but most importantly, in God’s provision.

The story of how one man overcame challenges is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. By trusting in God and taking one step at a time, he was able to overcome the obstacles in his path. Despite being shackled in a tiny room and facing a jail sentence, he pleaded with God for help and guidance. It was only when he surrendered control and trusted in God’s provision that he was able to find his way forward.,

Staying Faithful to God in Seasonal Struggles

Life doesn’t always go according to plan. In fact, more often than not, our carefully laid plans get disrupted in unexpected ways. Sometimes, these disruptions are minor, and we are able to weather them without much trouble. Other times, they can change our lives overnight. But even in the midst of chaotic twists and turns, one thing remains constant: our faithfulness to God. When we commit ourselves to serving Him, we can rely on His guidance and strength to carry us through any trial.

The Importance of Faithfulness in Overcoming Addiction

One of the most powerful examples of faithfulness in practice is overcoming addiction. Addiction is a vicious cycle that seems impossible to break. However, with God’s help, it is possible to break the chains of addiction and move forward towards a life of freedom and hope. For many people, overcoming addiction starts with a decision to be faithful to God, even in the face of overwhelming circumstances. By staying committed to Him and trusting in His power to heal and restore, we can find the strength we need to break free from addiction and embrace a new life of faith and freedom., Struggling with Addiction During Hospitalization

Refusing Painkillers

During my hospitalization for injuries sustained in an accident, I adamantly refused painkillers. Despite being in immense pain, I was scared of becoming addicted to the opioids prescribed by the doctor. My resolve to maintain my freedom from addiction impressed those around me, even though it was difficult.

Testing My Sobriety

I remember thinking about how I didn’t want to become addicted to the painkillers because I had seen so many people become hooked on them after being prescribed. I was determined not to let this happen to me, even though the temptation to take the medication was strong. It was difficult, but I knew that my freedom from addiction was important.

Meeting My Wife

During my hospital stay, I met a woman named Amanda who became my wife. She visited me in the hospital every day, despite the long drive. Our meeting was unexpected, but I am thankful for how things turned out. It is amazing to see how things work together for good, even in tough situations like this.,

Why Making Restitution is Important

Making restitution for past wrongs is an important piece of the Christian faith journey. Forgiveness from God is a glorious thing, but it doesn’t mean that everything is automatically made right with the people we’ve hurt. Taking the steps to make things right with those we’ve wronged is an integral part of the journey towards healing and wholeness.

Restitution Builds Integrity

Walking in integrity is essential for any believer, and making restitution is a crucial step in building that integrity. When we wrong someone, it’s not enough to just say we’re sorry and move on. Taking action to make things right shows that we are committed to living a life that reflects the love and forgiveness of Christ. Making restitution can also be a powerful testimony to those around us, showing them the transforming power of Christ’s love in our lives.,

Key Obedience to God’s Command

When God speaks, we don’t get to negotiate. That’s what’s important. When the Lord tells us to move, we have to take the journey to the next spot. It might be a move that is uncertain, with no clue what will happen on the other end. But all we have to do is obey God’s command and trust He will guide us through. Delayed obedience is disobedience, and it is something we need to avoid.

Making bold moves of obedience, however small or big, can be inspiring. Our obedience should not be done for attention or praise, but as a testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness. Through our obedience, we can show others to have a little bit of courage and faith in making those bold moves, no matter how daunting they may seem. It’s also vital to understand that obeying God’s command leads to peace and joy, even amid difficult circumstances.

Parenting with Obedience

Parenting is full of challenges, and one thing that is essential is to parent according to God’s command. It’s critical to show our children love, respect, and obedience to God. But that doesn’t mean we won’t make mistakes and have imperfections. Our children need to see that we’re not perfect, and we need to be open about our mistakes while trying to be great dads or moms. It’s also important to acknowledge and ask for forgiveness when we’re wrong.

We must lead our children by example and show them how to be obedient to God’s command. When we make mistakes, it’s good to feel that natural conviction, that guilt. It guides us to know when we’re wrong and helps us ask for forgiveness. Our imperfections make us human, and it’s good for our children to see our weaknesses, too, so they can understand the world better. At the same time, we must teach them that God is the perfect Father who loves them unconditionally and can guide them through any challenges they might face.

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