How to Handle Empty Promises from an Addict

“Navigate the challenging terrain of empty promises made by addicts. Learn to differentiate genuine pleas from manipulative tactics and establish boundaries for healthier relationships.

Family Support in Addiction Recovery: A Guide

Discover practical ways to support a loved one in addiction recovery with our comprehensive guide. Learn effective communication tips and how to foster a recovery-friendly environment that encourages a path to a fulfilling life without substances.

Beyond the Surface: The Deep Transformation of Getting Clean

Dive into the story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5:1-14, drawing parallels to modern-day addiction recovery. Explore how true healing requires more than just addressing the visible symptoms; it’s about humility, surrender, and a profound internal change.

Leading Change with Empathy and Insight

Explore the intricate dance of leading organizational change, understanding resistance, and finding the right balance. Delve into the metaphor of pruning a tree to grasp the delicate nuances of guiding change without overwhelming the very lifeblood of an organization: its people.

Navigating Love & Addiction: The Balance of Support and Detachment

Dive into the intricate balance families of addicts face between stepping in to help and allowing their loved one to experience the consequences of their actions. Through scripture and reflection, explore the transformative power of pain and the path to redemption.

From Despair to Hope: Trusting the Journey Like Joseph

Explore the parallels between Joseph’s story of betrayal and redemption and the emotional roller coaster faced by those watching loved ones battle addiction. Discover the power of faith and the promise of hope even in the darkest hours.